Projects (Current)
ARNS: Argumentative Reasoning in Nonsensical
Situations (2025-, DFG Research Project)
MIB: Predictive and Interactive Management of
Potential Inconsistencies in Business Rules
(2024-, DFG Research Project)
AIM: Algorithms for Inconsistency Measurement
(2023-, DFG Research Project)
EBM: Explainable Belief Merging (2022-, DFG
Research Project)
CAML2: Causality, Argumentation, and Machine
Learning (2021-, DFG Research Project)
Projects (Past)
FAT IL: Foundations, Applications & Theory of
Inductive Logic (2019-2023, DFG Scientific
CAR: Conditional Argumentative Reasoning
(2019-2022, DFG Research Project)
HIBPM: Handling Inconsistencies in Business
Process Modelling (2019-2022, DFG Research
CAML: Argumentative Machine Learning
(2018-2021, DFG Research Project)
Live+Gov: Reality Sensing, Mining and Augmentation
for Mobile Citizen-eGovernment Dialogue
(2012-2015, funded by EU 7th Framework
SocialSensor: Sensing User Generated Input for Improved
Media Discovery and Experience (2011-2014,
funded by EU 7th Framework Programme)
KReate: Logic-based probabilistic knowledge
representation for relational learning,
modeling, and reasoning (2008-2011, funded
by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
PROALAR BR+ARG: Combining belief revision
and argumentation for enhancing the
reasoning capabilities of agents in
multiagent system (2010-2011, funded by
Deutscher Akademischer Auslandsdienst)
"Exchange and Fusion of
Information under Availability and
Confidentiality Requirements in
Multi-Agent Systems"
in the collaborative research center
"SFB 876: Providing Information by
Resource-Constrained Data
Analysis", (2011-, funded by Deutsche
TweetyProject: A comprehensive Java library for logic
aspects of artificial intelligence and
knowledge representation
AIG GitHub: Various implementations of AIG at GitHub
heureka: A heuristic backtracking solver for
abstract argumentation
probo: A Benchmark Framework for Computational
Argumentation Competitions
KReator: A toolbox for relational probabilistic
knowledge representation, reasoning, and